How it works
Price plans
$ 29 .00
/ day(Min. 5 days)
- Recommendations
- Contact information -
- Recommendations
- Contact information - Transport
- General information
- Contact information - Assistance (Phone contact)
Mon - Fri (8am to 5pm)
$ 75 .00
/ day(Min. 5 days)
- Conception
Detailed information (Itinerary) - Transport
- Recommendations and selection
- Pre-booking (no payment)
- Pick up and drop off at the airport*
*transport in Kigali - Accommodations
- Recommendations and selection
- Contact information
- Pre-booking (no payment) - Activities
- Recommendations
- Contact information
- Pre-booking (no payment) - Assistance (Phone contact)
Mon - Sun (8am to 5pm)
of the total budget- Conception
Full itinerary design - Transport
- Full Organization
- Car renting
- Driver
- Gasoline
- Insurance - Accommodations
Full Hotel bookings and payments - Activities
Full activity bookings and payments - Personalized services and events
- Assistance
Ready to craft the journey of a lifetime?
Fill out the form, and our team will get in touch to discuss your ideas
and start crafting a personalized itinerary that brings your dream trip to life!